The celebration of Earth Day is recognized worldwide across nations and seas. There’s a lesser recognized day that needs to be mentioned as well which is the Earth Overshoot Day. This date marks the date when humans have used as much as nature can renew over that whole year.
This in itself means that we’re doing much more damage to the Earth than it can recover from. The Earth is slowly crippling and being eaten away.
Trees that provide us oxygen, prevent soil erosion and hold groundwater are being cut down as we speak. 7 million hectares of forest get cleared for industrial purposes every year. Fossil fuel and wood consumption make up over 60 percent of our ecological footprint.
We can do our best to reduce the period in between each Earth Overshoot Day by being conscious towards nature’s condition and taking action. Reducing our overall carbon footprint may even extend Earth’s habitability by millions of years to come.
We can start by disposing of waste in a proper manner. Hire a professional waste disposal company when you’re dealing with specific industrial waste such as chemicals and hazardous materials. Each and every step in environmental conservation counts.
As the human populous and industries keep expanding, our effort in conserving Earth and Mother Nature needs to be parallel to that statistics as well.