Welcome to Southern Green Resources

Scrap Metal Recycle and Scheduled Waste Disposal

Our business involves in doing scrap metal recycling and scheduled waste disposal. We purchase, process and market recyclable commodities, enabling our customers to focus on their core business. We approach our clients with a consultative approach. We value the relationship with our clients.

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Current Environment Condition

Our planet needs to be taken care of. It deserves to be better.

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The Importance Of Earth Overshoot Day

The celebration of Earth Day is recognized worldwide across nations and seas. There’s a lesser recognized day that needs to be mentioned as well which is […]

3 Simple Tips to Preserve Nature

Over the years, we became an even larger burden to mother Earth. The nature of human growth and civilization has contributed largely to the diminishing conditions of […]

Recycle Old Technological Devices

Trash disposal and waste management is a very strong issue for the world. People had already recognized the importance of recycling long ago. The effort to […]

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